Thursday, July 17, 2008

For Dennis

Raped Boys
Puffy Clouds
I'll stand on a mountaintop
and scream your name out loud.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

If I caused you pain, I’m sorry
It wasn’t more.
Your duplicity deserves
To be splayed out on the floor,
A dry cock in its ass,
Every breath a dying gasp.
As usual, you would like it,
But that’s something you’d never admit.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

When Matthew Arnold wrote
about the sweetness and light,
he wasn't talking about us.
So flick the switch
and get in bed.
A famous poet said
the most important thing
about poetry is rhyme.

So I wrote a poem about you -
it's called, "You Suck."
I was saddened it took only two words
to describe how you fuck.